Shelby Leiker


Individual Packages

Want to get the whole team involved? Pick a parent to be the coordinator to reach out with your schedule. Based on the sport and number of players we will assess which package is needed. That parent will collect the funds from the team before the scheduled game in order to access the gallery of images. Number of actual images available will depend on number of players, sport, and playing time. No guarantee of equal number of images per player. 
All digital downloads are included in package price. You will have rights to print and share.
Team packages range from $150-$400
(Package fee will be adjusted for any gate fee for entrance to event or travel outside of Johnson County)

Schedule an individual photo shoot of just your player or with a buddy or two. Price below is the session fee only. Number of actual images available will depend on number of players, sport, and playing time.
1 player session fee $20.00
2 player session fee $35.00
3 player session fee $40.00
Minimum $25.00 digital or print purchase
Print products available through MPIX
Digital downloads are $5 each
Once purchased you will have rights to print and share
(Session fee will be adjusted for any gate fee for entrance to event or travel outside of Johnson County)

Team Packages

As a mother of three grown boys, I know what happens when you blink! Add youth sports to their childhood and I feel like the earth just rotates faster. I have loved nothing more than documenting their journeys through youth sports. The memory of their first soccer goal, the photo of the football tackle that we know led to the concussion, the camaraderie on the sidelines as they cheered a teammate on. I can look at those pictures and remember how hot or cold it was at that game, how the players sometimes enjoyed the after game snack more than the game itself, when the field was so muddy we knew the uniforms would never be white again, or when we lost by one in the championship game. So many other moments are happening during youth sports besides what you see from your lawn chair or the bleachers. I want to preserve ALL of these moments for your athlete, all while you sit back and enjoy the game. 

Sports packages

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I can't wait to capture your story!



Shelby Leiker